Friday, July 22, 2011

Lovely roses

As a child ,loving gardening , I was not peticularly fond of roses . Maybe because my father had yellow and plain red roses and i hated those color's . But about ten years back i planted my climbing rose , blooming white  at the start and shading to a slight pink after .

So, some rose cards then : I love these colors !!!

Here's something else i tried  : Not a rose , but very fun to make . I used a Martha Stewart  border punch .
and made this wheel according to you tube video's .

And here is a combination of a hole pattern , using my stick pin that  I also use for faux stitch technique , combined with a 3 D rose .

And I also made some  shabby bookmarks , handy to have around , whenever  a gift is needed.

This is it for now, maybe i will give a peek at my baroque mini album next time , It is a personal mini that i started in february and it belongs together with a memory book .

Wishing you a nice weekend ,

Love, Rosa