Because of my terrible pains , I was driven to do something that asked a minimum of movement . So my friend had bought me some packages with cards with embroidery patterns . I have always said embroidery was something I would never take at hand !
I applied a 3D cuttingfile : my alltime favourites : roses
So this is my first embroidered card :
This week I was able to make a cardpurse , according to a video tutorial on You Tube . Therefore I assembled 3 square cards .Each of the card borders I painted with antique gold metallic acrylics .And I used a circle on which I applied a doily to make the closure with use of velcro .The same paint was used for the dots on the doily . With organza ribbon I made a flower and attached a rose and made the hanging jewel from a piece of an earring and pieces of chains and beads .

The card is hidden behind the jewels , in a pocket . The pocket border is punched with a Martha Stewart borderpunch .
The first page is a pocket page ,made by cutting off the left side of the card diagonally and folding the left over diagonal peace towards the right side of the cardpage and glueing it only at the bottom . This pocket holds two tags .

I added a pocketpage with a tag for pictures
Next pages can also be used for photo's .
For the last page a pocket page was created by glueing the cut off peace of the first cardpage onto the last cardpage of my 3rd card . This pocket holds a tag , to use for journaling or photo .
So this is it for today , I wish all of you a very nice weekend and for those of you who like to create and craft a joyful crafty time !