It is Saturday evening and I hope you all had a nice day !
I have been watching video's on you tube the past weeks on the primadonnacrafts-channel and visited this lady's blog at . She makes such beautiful mini-albums and she inspired me to use some my square cards that I don't make cards of because this format is to expensive to send in Belgium . It does not comes close to what Donna creates of course ,but this is the result :
This is the front side, you can not see it on the photo but I used a piece of acrylic to create a see
through pocket , to hold the little red paper frame .
This is my first page,
I hand stitched the sides of the tag holder.
It opens downwards, with two mattes and some stamps :
And it opens sidewards , holding three tags .
It unfolds like this :
left and right
Here is a close -up from the framed roses, embellished with a scroll of old music paper and a gold sticker butterfly I glued to pink paper and then cut out with my siccors .
The middle section unfolds up and downwards : the upper part has a pocket , with a ribbon waved through the holes , holding a big tag embellished with a piece of an earring .
The middle section holds four tags which I put into two folded doilies.
The down page has a pocket created by glueing a piece of old rose lace covered with a piece of white lace .
These are the tags:
The ribbon runs down to the other side of the page again forming a pocket , on the side a gold rose sticker .
The right side opens up :

I glued an acrylic peace to gold the tag and stamped the backside .
Then this is my last page , with just patterned paper, no embellishing.
and the back of my album
It looks like this when its closed . I only used 3 double folded cards and one half card . And hinged them together with a small peace of card stock folded with a one cm gap in between .
How it really is made you can see in this video :
Please cheque primadonnacrafts other video's for her beautiful albums and tutorials .
Bye, bye , keep well , time for me to go to sleep,
hugs, Rosa