I saw the video , stack the deck from Laura from Follow the papertrail .http://youtu.be/5Z_6pe2ZhDI .
And I love this binding method , so I gave it a try and this is the result : Here is my cover :
I stamped a butterfly on patterned paper and made a flower of a peace of white linen and I crocheted the rose , made a stickpin an put it all together
I also made a heart shaped booklet out of old book pages , distressed it and by sewing added the 4 pages together.
I created a pocket , for the tag with the butterfly .
My mini - album closes with pinches and a chain on which I fastened a pearl .
Here is page one : Pocket on the inside cover embellished with a ribbon .
Two insert tags per envelope ( 6 envelopes used - glued to the stacked binding -see tutorial . I'm sorry I've tried to link it but it doesn't work ) All envelopes and patterned papers and inserts are distressed . I used a Martha steward punch ( lace ) for one insert and for the insert with flap I used my rose and leave border and corner punch . Lots of room for pictures !
Page 3 & 4 : Again made a combined flower of paper and crocheted rose and the little bird is a cut out which I glued on .
Page 5 & 6 : A ticket on left side above and a pocket on the bottom of the page . Need to make some tags .
Added a small butterfly on the right page under the flap . The designer paper with old dutch poems is from Marianne design .
Page 7 & 8 :
I made a small envelope with two small tags .
Page9 &10 :

Page 11 & 12 :
I cut the Marianne design paper off where the roses ended and glued an envelope under it to make the pocket . The tag in it is a bible verse of 1 Cor: 13: 4-8 the definition of christian love . So beautiful !
On the right page I glued a name-tag which I folded down the middle. And therefore creates another small pocket for a little tag I still need to make .
And then these are the last pages : With a vintage lace as a pocket .
I fastened my drawing pen , which I used with Chinese ink , from when I was a child , to it . So it is about 50 years old . Finally got it out of my drawer an I think it has found the right place here !
This is how the book looks closed .
And this is how it looks sideways .
So this is it for now , will be back in January . Enjoy the seasons holidays and take care !
Hugs, Rosa